About me

Hagen Schupp

Software Development Engineer II @ Amazon

Work experience

Working as backend developer (with occasional frontend tasks) in the Localization Core Team. Enabled localization of enriched product content.

In the industry since October 2016, before: M.Sc of Computer Science @ RWTH Aachen University

Experience in Machine Learning through various private projects and previous work experience as Student Research Assistant @ RWTH Aachen University

Hard skills

  • Programming Languages: Java, Python, Typescript, NodeJS, GoLang
  • Cloud Technologies: AWS - Dynamo DB, SQS, S3, Lambda
  • Machine Learning Frameworks: Keras, Tensorflow
  • Databases: MySQL, Redshift, Dynamo DB, Mongo DB, Redis
  • Infrastructure as Code: AWS CloudFormation

Current Position (since January 2021):

Software Development Engineer II @ Amazon

TEN Search Team

Joined a new team (formed in 2020) dealing with search-related issues in new and emerging marketplaces at Amazon. Dealing with indexing issues for new and emerging marketplaces at Amazon.


  • Improving Search Result quality in new and emerging marketplaces
  • Guiding team in building scalable systems

June 2019 - January 2021:

Software Development Engineer II @ Amazon

Localization Core Team

Delivered product pipeline to localize enriched product content. Scaled previous POC solution to 1M+ products per week. Integrated automation infrastructure to remove human effort from product selection. Introduced status reporting to track previous localizations and enable diving-deep in issues.


  • Low Latency and high TPS requirements - scaling
  • Accessing large variety of product data

October 2016 - June 2019:

Software Development Engineer I @ Amazon (since February 2018: SDE II)

Localization Pedal Team

Working on automating the selection process for standard localizations. Integration with various content providers to gather evaluation data for products. Built a validation system to ensure product attributes fetched from an optimized data storage are in sync with the authoritative datasource.


  • Integrating a high TPS live evaluation system with low TPS authoritative data providers
  • Integrating with data providers for product data

November 2015 - October 2016:

Student Research Assistant @ RWTH Aaachen University

Chair of Computer Science 9 - Data Mining and Exploration

Evaluation of speeding up Earth Mover's Distance calculations by using lower bound approximations as initial solution of the EMD. Analysis of linear program algorithms to solve the EMD, which are capable of using an optimal, but not feasible solution as initialization.

April 2015 - October 2015:

Software Development Engineer Intern @ Amazon

Localization Team

Implementation of a user interface and webservice operations to allow users of the Localization Project to control the behavior of the tool for their input.
Implementation of a supporting application for the Localization Project, including implementing the backend and parts of the website for user input.

Current Project:

Managing data access using ERC20 tokens

Technologies: Solidity, Typescript/React, Golang

Building a system to manage access to a database with records and enabling data providers to benefit from data purchases.